Long Walk To Treatment
It would take 500,000 steps to walk from Dubbo to Sydney, the distance a person in regional New South Wales may travel just to reach the drug treatment they need. Step by step, Uniting and their supporters walked from Dubbo to Sydney to deliver a policy document to politicians that called for better drug treatment in Australia.
Long Walk To Treatment asked Australians to follow our footsteps and draw the line on drug policy. They could draw their signature on the campaign website to support our cause, which then appeared on social media, custom posters and hand-delivered as a 3D print to policymakers. A documentary was made of the walk and Labour MP Jo Haylen discussed the campaign in parliament.
Key supporters included Sir Richard Branson, Dr Khalid Tinasti (the Executive Secretary of the Global Commission on Drug Policy), and Dr Marianne Jauncey.
My Role Copywriter
Creative Director Wellison D’Assuncao
Art Director Emma Frizzell
Agency LOUD
Client Uniting
Production Cream Electric Art